In simple terms, a retail electronic shelf displays are precisely what the name describes. It is a small form digital display that mounts perfectly on the edge of retail shelves. On the screen, product pricing, descriptions and other information is digitally visible. They are also known as edge shelf display, shelf screen, eShelf or just shelf display.
Types of electronic shelf displays
Traditionally retail electronic shelf-edge displays are available with basic display options. They support the ability to display text, numbers and black or white images. These types of displays are known as electronic shelf labels (or ePaper tags, like Amazon Kindle technology) and graphic price tags (e-ink displays).
With the advancement of screen technologies, electronic shelf displays have evolved into a new generation of display types. There are LCD based and have several sizes to fit the right shelf and also several brightness types to fit the venue’s illumination, such as Luxx shelf displays which come in 3 types of brightness (!). Coming in at only 2″ h x 23″ w Mimo Monitors presented a 1,920 x 165p screen resolution for 23″ shelf display, which is the highest resolution for the 23″ edge shelf display. These new retail stretch-edge displays bring a new level of in-store pricing. This new technology support complete media playback, opening the door to new pricing strategies.
Eye-catching and effective
Because stretch-edge displays are made using the same technologies of TVs, you can display full HD videos, animations, commercials, images and other media. This takes the basic text-only digital price labels to the next level.
Auto pricing updates
Being able to display media is one thing, but managing the pricing of each product alongside the media is another. Many times retailers use pricing software to manage products, descriptions, pricing and inventory. Having the ability to manage both the screens media + pricing would be ideal.
Most recently, we (NoviSign) completed integration with Pricer. This integration allows retailers to connect their pricing feeds with NoviSign so product-related information and pricing auto-updates with NoviSign and the screens that are deployed. One of the best options for getting hardware for eShelves is Luxx Light Technology – a shelf screen hardware manufacturer.
Aside from pricing, with NoviSign, you can design unique price labels that include scrolling tickers, images, videos, commercials and other media. This ability to create and manage the content of the screen while pulling all pricing from Pricer streamlines the process of managing your electronic price label display.
Are you looking to learn more?
Contact us anytime and we can setup a demo!