This technical post will demonstrate to you step by step how to set up external custom API to retrieve data to your NoviSign’s content.
- In your Studio CMS account, create a new creative or edit an existing one.
- Tick the Load Preview Parameters box.
- Click on the API Integration box.
- Press Add.
- Leave the default option as API.
- Name it something easier to remember such as Momentus Feed.
- Paste the URL you gave me in to URL sections.
- Put property key as 1.
- Press test and you should see the full feed and save it.
- Press Label.
- Press the cog in the top.
- You can then start typing what you’re looking for e.g. Title and then you can pick the event you’re looking for. The number after ‘functions’ aligns with the paragraph in the API.
- Select the one you want and press copy and then paste into the big box on the side and you should immediately see the information pulled.