School Cafeteria is one of the growing markets for Digital Signage. The school’s IT department members are very skilled and with minimal effort, it is easy to create a digital board to present the menu, the meals, the nutrition facts and other important information, no advertising, no promotions, simple yet important facts. Given the dynamic nature of Digital Signage, the digital menus are the perfect solution for K12s.

School menu boardAramark is one of the leading companies, providing complete solutions for school (among others) cafeterias. On top of the ‘physical’ solutions (meals, facility, uniform, etc.) Aramark provides software driven solution for K12 nutrition programs. The Aramark software provides information about the meals, the content and nutrition facts and so on.

NoviSign had recently added a robust and flexible API to Aramark software. This API allows any school to use the simple to use NoviSign CMS for creating, broadcasting and managing digital menu boards, while getting the direct information about the meals, updated and presented automatically from Aramark software!

This API, which was recently added to NoviSign capabilities, is aligned with NoviSign’s vision to support the implementation of digital menu boards and digital signage in schools. We strive to make it simpler, easier and more attractive, from special pricing for educational facilities, to enhanced APIs and automated tools.

The ability to pull information about a meal, automatically from the popular Aramark framework will make the digital menu implementation and operation simple to seamless.

You can use our digital menu templates for the menus and add dynamic info of the menu items. With NoviSign your menu will be updated automatically for the right meal. In addition, you can add social widgets, news, time and other dynamic sources of information. You can use single or multiple displays for that. Just contact us and we will integrate with your SCHOOL NUTRITION software.
