NoviSign is happy to announce the release of another high value widget for the Digital Signage market – FTP!
Using the FTP widget, a multiple number of users can mark a large amount of content to be ‘pulled’ by the NoviSign Playlist. The organization’s system administrator sets the time intervals when the FTP is scanned for new Creatives that are then added to the Playlists. This solution is designed for highly dynamic implementation using large Creative files. In addition, as the internal organization network is accessed only at a single point of contact, the widget provides a perfect security solution. The FTP site allows all FTP users to modify and create broadcasts without having direct access to the organizational Intranet.
Like most NoviSign widgets, using the FTP widget is part of a simple process. Users drag the widget into their Creative composition, set size and location, configure the relevant FTP site, and ses the time interval for NoviSign to scan for recently added Creatives (supporting many image and video formats). From that point, the system takes control.
NoviSign developed the new FTP widget according to feedback from the Digital Signage community. As an SaaS provider, NoviSign must be attentive to its customers’ needs. Our development road map is based on customer demands and our vision of the Digital Signage future market.
More to come …