One of the main engines that will keep pulling the Digital Signage forward in the next years, is considered to be the highly innovative and relatively new area of ‘Interactive Digital Signage’ and its ‘naughty boy’ the Digital Signage Gaming. The Digital Signage Gaming industry is in its ‘diapers’ and apart from several small start-up companies, and some highly innovative marketing leaders, no one had really started to talk about it seriously…

Some people, from the industry(!) whom I talked to about the Digital Signage Gaming buzz (as mentioned, for now it is ‘geek only’ buzz) actually asked me – do we really need it? We understand the need for Interactive Digital Signage capabilities such as polls, surveys, coupons, etc’, But Gaming? are we not jumping the gun here? is the market ready? Don’t we have enough gaming devices?

Well, it might be these vendors are a bit cautious and conservative but surely they are right from some perspective, Digital Signage Gaming is extremely innovative and it is not yet clear how long it’ll take till it becomes a common way to interact between people visiting a specific venue, whether it is kids in a toy store, running a tournament, Using their parent’s Smartphone, while all their friends are watching, and the first three places win a coupon (anyone with kids, probably imagines the buzz around this kind of Activity) or a digital Signage gaming implement at school, using the gaming interaction to promote educational messages. It can be a great Bar game, that makes the drinking and general interaction in bar a unique experience, and it can be a simple fun experience to help people pass the time at the dentist/Vet/Dr. Office or a pure sales promotion game that encourages sales and hands out coupons to whoever ‘jumps in’ into the activity.

The main Idea is that Digital Signage Gaming should be just another widget added the experience that combines people, location and FUN. if along the way, business will find Digital Signage Gaming a strong sales and marketing tool, it will be another quick win.

Digital Signage Gaming – it will be what you’ll make of it …
