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Cliftons Customer Case Study

#1 Provider of Conference Room and Training Venues in Australia and New Zealand Upgrade To Digital Signage for Centralized Digital Communications

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With over 12 venues in 10 cities, Cliftons is the largest commercial venues company in the Oceania region. Cliftons attention to detail ensures that every event delivers exceptional experiences for attendees. From stylish furniture to adjustable room temperature control to advanced in-room technologies Cliftons prides itself on flexibility, superior technology, chef-designed cuisine and outstanding tailored services. When doing venues upgrade Cliftons executive team made it a point to focus on implementing new technologies that would streamline communications while adding to and improving the attendee experiences. After doing multiple reviews and a market demand analysis, digital signage was listed as a requirement.

The ChallengeDigital signage at Cliftons

Administratively cumbersome and requiring hand-delivery to each room, printed room signs for displaying events and schedules was not anymore suitable for the 21st century. Cliftons needed a digital signage room board solution that could be remotely controlled, easy to manage and aesthetically appealing.

The Solution

Due to NoviSign’s variety of natively included features and could be run on Windows Surface tablets Cliftons partnered with NoviSign for their meeting room digital signage needs. Located outside of every classroom, event center and conference room the tablets were securely mounted and displayed the current event name being held in that room, upcoming session times and custom welcome messages. Clifton’s project management teams were given admin rights to NoviSign’s Digital Signage Software with the ability to remotely edit and pre-program the room board content. All information was pre-scheduled with daily new schedules and notifications enabling for the signs to automatically update with relevant information. Also, Cliftons were able to add their branding to each display, live weather updates and the current time.

The ResultsCliftons digital signage

Moving from paper-based meeting room digital signage to a cloud-hosted, centralized solution dramatically improved the way event communications was updated and maintained. Cliftons experienced a cost-reduction in print and saved time in manual labor from having to update the printed signs manually. The upgrade made it significantly easier to make on-the-fly changes to last minute event and meeting adjustments while offering Clifton is the ability a new way to upsell additional services to attendees.


“We selected NoviSign due to the ease of use and simplicity. My staff can log in and update the room board frequently changing schedules from any web browser at any time. If rooms are unoccupied, we can use the screen to broadcast advertisements, either helping marketing our client’s other events or our services.” – Robert Boehmer, Chief Operating Office, Cliftons

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