The results
Shichida Kids Academy of Canada is posting brain training questionnaires daily, so they decided to deliver this through signage to create a safe and quiet way to have fun during someone else’s class. After their challenge, they had a big success. They barely heard any screaming, crying, and sounds of things breaking.

The principle of Shichida Kids of Academy of Canada, Yoko Takahashi who is also a parent decided to introduce NoviSign digital signage software for schools to increase more non-verbal communication. As a result, they succeed in increasing engagement with their customers while providing them a lot of information including things hard to say face-to-face. I have the monitor in the lobby area.
We show information such as lesson schedules, showcasing events, introducing books and educational materials for children, providing information for child rearing, etc. We try our best to provide the most exciting and helpful information for children and their parents/guardians. Also, we show a reminder of the lesson fee payments and any kind of paperwork required by a certain time.
Interested in learning more about how you can use digital signage for your school? Check out our other case study, Brookwood Set-Ups School Wide Digital Signage System