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La Estacion Ice Cream Parlor of Costa Rica Deploys Customer Satisfaction Kiosk Tablets Across All of Their Locations Country Wide with NoviSign Digital Signage, and Local Partner IdeaMedia

Learn how La Estacion, one of Costa Rica’s largest boutique ice cream parlor brands, deployed interactive satisfaction kiosks to track and monitor store customer experiences.

La Estacion Ice Cream Parlor

About la Estacion

Known for its premium quality and fun dining experience, La Estacion (LE) is one of Costa Rica’s leading ice cream chains. With over 15 locations across Costa Rica, LE takes pride in offering its customers a unique yet modern dining experience in a fast-casual environment. As a customer-focused brand, they needed a customer satisfaction tracking system that would connect on a customer level of all ages, be attractive, and, most important, never seen before.

The Challenge

LE wanted a simple-to-use yet innovative solution that would incite customers to provide feedback on their products and experience while having the capability to access backend data that LE’s executive management could review and analyze. As a result, LE requested an interactive customer satisfaction kiosk that meets the following requirements to provide them with an effective solution:

    • Easy-to-use Digital Signage Software Platform: the platform had to be easy for LE’s design department, which is in charge of uploading, modifying, and programming content. The software needed to support touchscreen kiosk functionality.
    • Interactivity and Reporting: The backend database was a requirement where we date
      the number of people who have used the equipment periodically and what their responses had been. This data had to be exported in a file the customer’s software could read for metrics and analysis.

The Solution

Based on LE’s requirements, a custom satisfaction survey tablet was designed and deployed at the ice cream pick-up stations. IdeaMedia (a NoviSign Partner) created the satisfaction survey content using NoviSign’s cloud-based studio utilizing the HTML and touch widget. A series of fun and engaging emojis we’re used for satisfaction scoring and custom thank you for your survey videos we’re set to play after the survey is completed. Regarding tracking the results, LE’s executive team could log in and view the results in real time from any computer.

La Estacion Ice Cream Parlor

The results

After deploying the satisfaction tablet kiosks, LE immediately began receiving survey results. The feedback gave LE’s executive team direct access to the customer experience and how they enjoyed the product. This valuable feedback gave LE critical insight into what’s working and not at their stores, allowing them to improve based on their customers’ feedback. By focusing on the experience and product, LE can now fine-tune its operations while improving its product based on customer experience.

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