ORS is German School with a total number of app. 2000 students.
It is located in Holzgerlingen in the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg in Southern Germany.
ORS – such as all schools in Germany are massively impacted by the Corona Pandemic and is under permanent threat of temporary closure, is subjected to infection rates and local infection cases. To proactively manage this situation, it is of great importance to have an information system that reminds the students to stick to all key hygienic rules and regulations and to inform students about latest news and changes very much in real time.
The Challenge
Creating a Digital Signage Solution for a school with different buildings and with a tremendous number of students who frequently attend the different rooms and buildings.
NoviSign had to develop and design a Digital Signage Solution concept consisting of different elements in the key areas that the biggest number of students passes by every day, in order to attract bypassing students attention and to provide them latest news and on-the-fly updates.
Additionally, the solution included not only screens, but also had to be integrated with hand sanitizing requirements – therefore, we needed to find a way to not only to inform, but actively attract students to stick to hand sanitizing requirements. NoviSign needed to identify the ideal hardware to comply with these requirements and – as the school buildings are built of massive concrete – it was a great challenge to find the key points for the installation that not only are bypassed by nearly all of the students, but also needed to bring power and internet connection to these strategic installation points.
What was Needed to be Done?
First of all, NoviSign had to receive consent for this ambitious project not only from the headmaster and board of the school, but also from the local city government. Secondly, NoviSign had to find the right partners to support this important project with quality hardware and installation services, to give the client an end-to-end solution, including sign off on all requirements of electrical installations in respect of fire escape and other security requirements. For the main building, an individual and attractive metal mounting stand had to be designed and installed for one of the 2 deployed NoviTizers.
We therefore had to examine the location into big details, to determine the most suitable spots for the installations and later, turn highly frequented areas into digital information spaces into spaces that enable a professional and flexible broadcasting of information to the bypassing students. Further, we intended to make the students sanitize their hands frequently when passing by.
After choosing the right hardware, we moved on to synchronize our software according to the client’s very specific needs, to bring the hardware to life for this school and its students.
The Solution
NoviSign has found the 3 highly suitable partners:
Pyramid – A German digital signage manufacturer which supplied 2 units of 27“ ceiling-mounted digital signage displays.
Pyramid brought Into this solution unique hardware which receives its power supply through thin steel wires, underlining the floating effect of the device.
ADD Beam – The integrator of this project and the responsible for the designing of the professional videos and content.
AUTZ-HERMANN – Designer, manufacturer and supplier of high quality metal stands
Strong Collaboration
Together we have all managed to design and install several displays, designed suitable content and displayed it in an attractive way to bring live information daily to the students of this school and to manage their requirements in context with the Corona Pandemic.
The displays included 2 floating digital signage devices, and 2 NoviTizer Hand Sanitizing devices with 21” onboard integrated displays, one of them mounted on a personalized built to order metal stand with company logos included.
ORS have decided for the NoviSign software, enabling them to implement a highly effective students information platform as an important pillar in their fight against the Corona Pandemic.
The results
Due to the deploying of NoviSign solutions, ORS successfully added an excellent and very flexible students information system to inform about daily news and changes. Bypassing students are always informed with the latest news and reminded to comply with hand sanitizing and social distancing rules and regulations.
Walking into the school, students automatically bypass the NoviTizer to sanitize their hands and view latest updates and information.
While walking up the main stairways, students bypass the floating display hanging down from the ceiling, aligned with the stairway podest – The second info display is mounted above the main entrance door of the second key building where classrooms are located.
Information now is provided always up to date so that the school can quickly react on all changes and requirements – not only in context with the Corona Pandemic but also delivering on their daily flow of school information.
Christian Metzger – ORS Head-Master:
“The combination of different Digital Signage elements perfectly helps us to inform all students and to supply live information on a daily basis. The well designed and very functional NoviTizers animate the students to sanitize their hands more frequently. The installation is a great support to handle all information requirements in context with the Corona Pandemic“.
Rodny Scherzer – NoviSign Project Manager:
“The solution was designed to provide more attractive spots for frequent hand sanitizing combined with an information system that helps the school keeping students information always up-todate. It is a great system to reduce the number of unanswered questions, thus minimizing fears and uncertainties around the Corona Pandemic“.