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Red Cross France Deploys Digital Signage to Enhance Internal Communications Strategy

Learn how one of France’s most iconic non-profit health organization utilized digital signage to unify their corporate communications strategy while dramatically improving their method of disseminating essential updates

Red Cross digital signage

About Red Cross France

Founded in 1864 and known initially as Société française de secours aux blessés militaires, Red Cross France (RCF) is a nationwide humanitarian organization that offers social welfare, health and training services.

The Challenge

Because many of the staff members are in the field daily, constantly on the move, and without computers or email, sharing company updates was challenging. With four primary offices and small pop-up regional clinics spread across France, the need to quickly reach and staff with daily updates initiatives was vital.

The Solution

After meeting with NoviSign’s local office in Paris, Red Cross immediately recognized how they could implement digital signage. NoviSign France did a comprehensive multi-site survey that outlined communication challenges and reviewed the current signage process.

Based on the Red Cross flow of employee traffic, NoviSign France created a multi-point communications plan that strategically targets key locations that employees pass through and congregate in, such as break and meeting areas, conference rooms and hallways.

The final deployment consistent of screens installed across:

  • Lunch Break Rooms
  • Primary Entrance Areas
  • Check-In Waitlines Lines
  • Employee Meeting Rooms
  • Time and date

The Result

Immediately after installation, RCF saw an instant increase in communication efficiency. From any location, the HR and Marketing departments could easily create and broadcast messages to the various department screens. This new communication method gave RCF a powerful new tool to effectively reach their employees with time-sensitive information, new training procedure videos and policy reminders.

Full list of case studies

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