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Smile Eyes Case Study, Münich Airport

Smile Eyes is a leading ophthalmology group with headquarters at the Munich Airport.
This is a group of specialist ophthalmology clinics, with 13 partners throughout Germany and Austria, which is not only specialized in refractive surgeries for vision correction such as laser vision correction and advanced lens surgeries but also offers medical eye treatments for ophthalmic diseases (e.g., Cataract, intravitreal operative medication (IVOM), pars plana vitrectomy) as well as conservative treatments and recently added eyelid treatments and aesthetics with Smile Eyes Beauty to their portfolio.

As ophthalmologists they pay special attention to perfect optical results as well as to the health and functionality of the eyes.

Smile Eyes stands for eye laser surgery on the highest medical level, committed to innovation and research. Their experts not only apply the most modern surgical techniques, they are also significantly involved in their development.

Smile Eyes clinics digital sign

The challenge

Smile Eyes was looking for a solution to accommodate the customers by making the waiting experience in the clinic for their appointment more pleasant. At the same time, they would like to inform them about the range of services provided in the clinic and about the latest developments.
The main challenge was to provide a cost-effective solution, without getting into high costs and a long term investment.
Together with Smile Eyes, we decided to create a Digital Signage solution for clinics while using their existing smart TVs and designing the content in a way that it can be easily changed and amended remotely. In addition, we had to design attractive and creative content that will be broadcast on multiple screens simultaneously in the clinic. The Digital Signage Solution of six screens displaying two different contents aims to intensify the viewers’ interest and exposed them to the variety of treatments provided in the clinic and about the latest news.
Furthermore, we had to develop the software in a way that it can easily be transferred in the future to other Smile Eyes branches throughout Europe.

What had to be Done

NoviSign has the capabilities to work on almost any screen and system. This fact allows Smile Eyes to use their existing Smart TVs and to avoid significant investment in hardware.
Therefore, they had only to choose the locations they would want to install their screens.

The six existing Smart TVs displays were split into two groups. Each group, consisting of three screens, broadcasts different content. Therefore, out of 6 screens throughout the clinic, only 2 external media player units were needed.

The Solution

Waiting room signageNoviSign has installed 2 media players, displaying custom made graphic design content of Smile Eyes’ latest updates through animation and videos.
NoviSign provided Smile Eyes‘ team with online tutorials so that they could learn how to operate the system independently. After two training sessions, the Smile Eyes team could create and manage the content on their own. The updates and design changes can be made remotely by the team, even from their mobile device.

Strong Collaboration

Ophthalmology digital boardTogether with the Smile Eyes team, we have managed to produce an overall solution that includes their hardware and our Software. With our initial support and training, Smile Eyes Marketing Team was very fast empowered to create and design suitable content and display it.
Smile Eyes has subscribed to the NoviSign software, enabling them to independently update the content easily and from anywhere.

The Results

Due to the NoviSign solution, Smile Eyes customers have been given a much more pleasant waiting time which passes much faster. The customers like the fact that they can use their waiting time to consume information about the services, the capabilities and the latest news of Smile Eyes.
Patients received a lot of information that enabled them to get into the appointment pre-informed and more confident.

Smile Eyes, Münich Airport digital signage


Smile Eyes:
The hardware installation was very simple because NoviSign provided the players with NoviSign Software pre-installed. We only needed to connect the software to our existing Hardware and we were ready to go – this helped us to avoid buying additional hardware. NoviSign operates well on existing screens that we had already installed. Designing and updating the content that we broadcast to our patients is very simple and can be done from anywhere with a computer, laptop or even Smartphone with an internet connection. The newly installed information system is appreciated by our patients.
The NoviSign complete digital signage solution was our perfect choice because it can be used to manage dynamic content that includes information, videos, news and all other elements that we rate to be suitable to our patients. It supports us in our ambition to provide best in class services and information to our patients.

The Project Manager, Rodny Scherzer:

“It was a great experience to design and implement this system for a professional service provider in the medical fields. This specific project is a great example of how powerful and adjustable the NoviSign solution is. It can be easily adjusted for any kind of services in the branches and it can easily be implemented everywhere to create additional value for our customers and their patients.”

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