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Internal communications

Digital Signage for Internal Communications

Unique and easy-to-use digital signage for internal communications is used to better engage and communicate with employees. Display: internal communications, company news, employee announcements, real-time targets and tasks, goals, HR notifications, factory floor metrics and media presentations. Upgrade your internal communications digital signage strategy by adding informative screens, enabling you to edit, update and publish information speedily, professionally and smoothly.

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Digital signage for internal communications

One screen, unlimited possibilities

With NoviSign, you can make effective digital signage for internal communications that includes workplace information, meeting and schedule listings, department news, latest company developments, media slideshows, HD videos, welcome messages and more. Using the included customizable templates, you edit or build from scratch engaging digital signage for internal communications content, then wirelessly upload it to your screens.

Welcome Messages

Greet particular customers, vendors, corporate visitors, employee and honorary guests feel welcomed with customized welcome notifications.

Notices and Dashboards

Automatically display essential company publications, production metrics, charts, tables and safety procedures

Meeting and Events

Add daily, weekly, monthly listing of scheduled company events, training dates and other scheduling information.

Internal Notifications

Better inform, alert and inform your employees on new company information, corporate values, products and post announcements about new products, services and bulletins.

Social Media Stream

Promote your companies social media accounts with real-time Twitter feeds, Instagram and Facebook feeds

Employee Recognition

Spotlight your employee of the month and stand out performers with custom first name Thank You messages that recognize that employees contributions

We are here to assist you

From answering your general questions to walking you through how digital signage works, we are ready to assist you! Complete the form to the right to receive immediate assistance today. We look forward to hearing from you!

    Remotely update your screens

    From any browser on any device, manage all of your content. NoviSign’s system runs on Windows, Android or Chrome OS media players. You can wirelessly update your entire network of screens within minutes from any location at any time! Update your digital signage for internal communications screens one at a time or groups of your screens. Schedule your content to update instantly or pre-schedule specific content to only play on specific dates and times.

    Drag & Drop Widgets

    NoviSign’s Online Editor (Creative Composer) is a comprehensive, easy-to-use internal communications digital signage software solution that includes a full suite of features:

    • RSS News Feeds
    • YouTube
    • Ustream
    • Webpages
    • Google Slides and Spreadsheets
    • HD Images
    • Videos
    • Slideshows and Presentations
    • Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Yammer
    • Weather, Date and Clock
    • Scrolling Tickers
    • Shapes and Backgrounds
    • Interactive Polls
    • Games
    • Text
    Internal communication digital signage

    Digital Signage for Internal Communications

    NoviSign’s Digital Signage for Internal Communications helps organizations unify their entire communications strategy. Broadcast present-day notifications, scrolling feeds of company news, critical internal communications, PowerPoint slideshows, company videos and other relevant on-demand communications that are vital to your organization. NoviSign’s all-in-one software is specially designed for entry level-users all the way up to enterprise multi-admin control.

    Digital Signage for Corporate Communications

    Digital Signage for Corporate communications makes it easier for you to better connect with employees. Using NoviSign’s corporate communications digital signage software, you will be able to display real-time information and events, meeting times with schedules, internal corporate scrolling news tickers and even add customized messages welcoming your clients and guests.

    Digital signage internal communications
    Digital signage internal communications

    Digital Signage for Employee Communications

    Using internal communications digital signage by NoviSign, you can quickly begin to easily improve the way you share information. NoviSign’s Digital Signage for Employee Communications plays an essential role in emphasizing corporate culture, sharing company goals, motivating staff and improving productivity. From broadcasting daily company dialogue to providing training related statements, you can use digital signage to keep your entire staff consistently informed and engaged.

    ✉ Feel free to contact us for any questions at

    Sign up for a free evaluation account

    Novisign supports Windows, Android, and Chrome OS. You can start using it RIGHT NOW and switch to production at any time.