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Easily Schedule Your Content to Play

In one click, update your digital signage content! Using NoviSign’s digital signage software, you can easily create your playlists, schedule them to play, then send it to one or groups of displays! All that you need is your computer, a web browser and an internet connection! See how easy it is use: Watch Video.

  • Only takes minutes for screens to update
  • Almost all content caches locally on player
  • Drag-and-drop action for playlist creation
  • Schedule to auto-play by day and time
  • Set play duration and expirations
  • Preview your playlists before updating
Digital signage scheduling

Create Advanced Schedules

Advance schedule your content to instantly play on specific dates, times and days. If you need specific content to repeat, select the recurring option, then define by day and time.

Playlist Order

One simple click, drag and then drop, you can make your playlist in the order that you want it to play. You can create your playlist within seconds!

Set Play Time

Schedule content to play in a specific order and preset each piece to play for a specific time frame. For example, you can set 10 seconds for playlist 1, 30 seconds for playlist 2, etc.


Once you have your playlist created, you can select play and preview precisely what you have just made before sending it to your displays.

Day Parting

Perfect for digital menu boards, with NoviSign you can preset your content to breakfast, lunch, dinner and other menus to play automatically on the times you set.

Name & Description

Keep your content organized by giving it a name and description. This makes it easier for you to know what’s and where’s it going to be used.

What is a playlist?

With digital signage software, a playlist is a set the play order of content or templates (we call them creatives). Once you have your order from content, you can then schedule it to play on specific days, times and set expiration dates.

Related Links:


Ready to start?

NoviSign supports Windows, Android, and Chrome OS. You can start using it RIGHT NOW and switch to production at any time.