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School Digital Signage: Elevate Campus Engagement and Communication

Transform communication with school digital signage by NoviSign. Our easy-to-use digital signs for schools make it simple to share announcements, updates, and engaging content with students, staff and parents. Effortlessly enhance campus communication today!

One Screen, Endless Opportunities with digital school signs

NoviSign’s digital signage for school software lets you easily create and share notifications, images, slideshows, and tickers on any screen. Use customizable school digital signage ideas and templates to keep your school community informed and engaged—all in one place!

News & Weather

Display the weekly weather forecast and or include a scrolling ticker of local, regional and national news headlines

School Lunch Cafeteria Signs

Upgrade the way you digitally display your daily lunch menus using cafeteria digital menu boards! Preschedule your daily lunch menus to auto-update

School News

Include custom text updates and tickers of upcoming activities, new classes and after featured students of the month

School Events

Improve event awareness and spotlight upcoming school programs such as open houses, testing dates, job fairs, after-school programs, scheduled days off, and other forthcoming weekly events

Content Scheduling

To auto-play, pre-set specific announcements, updates and other school-related notifications on particular dates and times. Set recurring schedules or one-time play

Greetings and Announcements

Create warm and welcoming notifications for students, parents, honorary guests, corporate visitors and alumni

Remotely Control from any Computer

Using your computer, Chromebook, or MAC, you can access, update and control the content playing on any TV in your school and or district. In addition, you can send the same information to all your screens, unique content and even share zones with other users for easy and fast content updates.

Using our digital signage software for schools, you will be able to set up multi-zone school signage templates that feature:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Slideshows
  • Ticket
  • Shapes & Background
  • Label
  • Twitter
  • News RSS
  • Weather
  • Clock
  • URL
  • Text
  • Pools
  • YouTube
  • Instagram

Entrance and Lobby Areas

You have the option of installing digital signs in your school foyer. Use K12 digital signage to broadcast essential announcements, display informational slideshows and welcome parents to open houses.

Teacher-to-student communication

Another use for digital signage in schools is internal messaging among staff members. Install screens in the office and break-room spaces and display time-sensitive information such as breaking news, school bulletins, meeting times and forthcoming events.


Google Slides Digital Signage

Connect your K12 digital signage to the Google Slide Shows used at your school. Once linked, all of the media from your slideshow will sync and appear on the digital signs screen in your school. This is a quick and straightforward method of displaying content on your screen.

Highschool Digital Signage

Upgrade your school using digital signage for high schools. Transform your existing TVs into informational hubs that your students can use to stay current with schools news and sporting events. Deploy digital signage for high schools to dramatically increase student engagement while cutting through the clutter with straight to the put messages.


✉ Feel free to contact us for any questions at
Don’t forget to ask about our special pricing for educational institutions.

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NoviSign supports Windows, Android, Chrome OS, Samsung Tizen and LG webOS. You can start using it RIGHT NOW and switch to production at any time.