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Catalog Service API


NoviSign offers an optional web service, acting as an intermediary layer between third-party APIs and devices. This service provides clients with increased flexibility and convenience in data storage and consumption.

Several standard scenarios fall within the service’s scope:

  • Data Pulling and Storage: For instance, a client might trigger a service upon a specific event, requiring the result to be stored for later consumption (e.g., webcam statistics). This stored data can then be displayed on screens.
  • Scheduled Operations and Database Storage: Scheduled operations can be executed to save results in a database for subsequent retrieval by players.

Once data is saved in the catalog repository, it becomes accessible through standard public “GET” methods, enabling injection into screens via Player Custom API Configuration

The complete API for the Catalog Service can be accessed here

Key aspects regarding data storage and consumption:

Each item is stored with an account ID (representing the corresponding account in Studio) and an item ID, set by the client and sent with POST requests.

Catalog records can be stored and accessed using two different approaches:

  • catalog-controller API calls: Items are stored in JSON format. Clients are responsible for adhering to JSON format conventions; otherwise, exceptions will be thrown, and items won’t be saved..
  • feed-controller API calls: Allows storing free-text payloads with additional predefined fields similar to an RSS feed item. Fields include “Account ID” (required and predefined), “Channel” (client-defined), “title,” “author,” “link” (optional). Items are fetched and grouped based on the “channel” parameter. Results are presented in either XML RSS feed format (suitable for presentation in Studio’s RSS widget) or standard JSON format based on an “xml=true” parameter. Absence of the “xml” parameter presents the channel in JSON format.

Note: Consider the “limit” parameter when fetching data via feed-controller GET requests to manage data retrieval efficiently.



The scheduling feature is tailored for customers requiring repetitive scheduled tasks that involve executing pre-processed business logic through the catalog service before saving items in the database, making them accessible for display on screens.