Performance Reports
We have 2 performance reports for proof of play. The 2 reports come in addition to the 2 monitors (which show data from the last 24 hours) and the availability report (which shows the history of availability percentage).
The reports are accessible through the regular link, either
What is proof of play? Imagine you have advertisers in your ad-network, and you need to show them how many times that ad was broadcasted or for how long was this ad being played, on how many stations and so on. These reports will provide this data.
Media Performance Report
This report is the heart of “proof of play”. It shows you the media name, type (video or image), number of exposures and total time of exposures in the filtered period (yesterday and beyond). It also shows you in how many different screens was the creative played in that period. A partner can filter by any of his/her users and by time range.
The report’s columns:
- User: the user who owns the media (the media is on his/her account). If you are a partner, you will see more than just your username, but all of your users (you will be able to filter any of them).
- Media name: the name of the media file as it appears in you media library in your web editor account.
- Media type: the type of the media. It can be either an image file or a video file.
- Exposures: how many times was this media item being played during the filtered period in all the screens.
- Exposure time: how long (in hours, minutes and seconds) was this media item being played during the filtered period in all the screens.
- Player count: In how many screens was this media item being played during the filtered period
Device Performance Report
This report is can used to show all physical devices on the screen (player) name as it is in the online Studio. A total number of media exposures, total play time, media type (video or image) play count in a filtered period.
The report’s columns:
- User: the user which his screen key runs directly on the machine (the screen key was created in his/her account). If you are a partner, you will see more than just your username, but all of your users (you will be able to filter any of them)
- Device name: the name of the machine (if you access the application setting of the machine, then the first setting is the machine’s name. It is auto-generated, but you can manually set it to any name you like).
- Screen name: the screen (player) name (in the online Studio) related to the running screen key on that machine.
- Exposures: how many times was any media item(s) being played during the filtered period on this machine.
- Exposure time: how long (in hours, minutes and seconds) was any media item(s) being played during the filtered period on this machine.
- Media count: how many different media items were played on this machine during the filtered period.
Please notice that for adding a creative to appear in the 2 new performance reports, you will have to do the following:
- Enter your Studio account.
- In the “Creative” tab, for each creative, which you would like to appear in the statistics, you will have to click the small black statistics icon which appears in the top left corner of thecreative thumbnail. Clicking it will change the small icon color from black to colorful.