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Digital Signage for Educational Institutions

NoviSign offers a unique, easy to use and operate Digital Signage System designed especially for educational institutions of all types: Elementary Schools, High Schools, Colleges, K12, and Universities. Upgrade the learning experience by adding informative and interactive screens, allowing you to publish and convey information quickly, efficiently and effortlessly.

A single screen, a multitude of information

With NoviSign you can make screens that contain school announcements, image slideshows, HD videos, welcome messages and more. Using our online digital signage software and the included templates you can easily create content and upload it to your screens. All changes wirelessly update within minutes!

Upcoming Events

Increase awareness of future events planned at your school, and post announcements about career services such as upcoming job fairs, new career services and open days.

Scheduling Changes

Inform students of changes to class schedules, cancellations and other important scheduling information.

Cafeteria Digital Menus

Digital menus for school cafeterias provide real-time meal updates, nutritional information and daily specials, enhancing convenience and encouraging healthy eating among students.

Global News

Automatically display news headlines from your favorite news websites using NoviSign’s RSS system.

Welcome Notices

Make special guests (alumni, corporate visitors, government representatives and honorary guests) feel welcome by displaying special welcome notices.

Campus News

Update students with all the news around campus: activities, classes, competitions and more.

Control your screens

Manage your content and posts from any browser and any device and run it on any screen connected to a Windows, Android, or Chrome player. Whether you have one screen or multiple screens at various locations, NoviSign system allows you to update as many screens as you wish from anywhere. Schedule your screens to change automatically – choose what content to display, how often, on which date and what time.

The NoviSign Editor (Creative Composer) is very simple to use with a rich set of features:

  • Images
  • Videos
  • Slideshows
  • Ticket
  • Shapes & Background
  • Label
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • News RSS
  • Weather
  • Clock
  • URL
  • Text
  • Pools
  • YouTube
  • Instagram
Young and happy urban people having fun with digital tablet

Digital Signage for Colleges

NoviSign polling system allows the unique experience of on-screen voting. Present any multiple choice question such as: Who should be your next Student Council President? Or what activity would you like to take place on the last day of school? With NoviSign digital signage for colleges Students can vote directly from their Smartphones and the results will be updated on the screen in real time.

School Digital Signage

Use digital signage for schools to create a fun new activity for students: An interactive Newspaper! Make them responsible for the content on the screen! NoviSign is so easy to use and operate, that even a school aged child can run it. Build your own screens or use one of the built-in educational templates and let students fill the screens with their own content.

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What’s for lunch?

NoviSign offers designed and detailed digital menu board templates customizable to any cafeteria, restaurant or dining room. Just add today’s dishes, nutritional information and prices and Bon Appetit!

k12 digital signage
✉ Feel free to contact us for any questions at
Don’t forget to ask about our special pricing for educational institutions.

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Novisign supports Windows, Android, and Chrome OS. You can start using it RIGHT NOW and switch to production at any time.